Building a Spiritual Business

how to build a spiritual business

Spiritual folks want to create connection with all parts of their life, and that includes their business. But there's always the fear that something bad will happen if they come out of the broom closet and embrace their woo, witchy, or spiritual selves authentically. The question that you should be concerned about is, "What happens if I DON'T embrace this part of myself?"

Because let me tell you, when you settle into your Authentic Self, there's no better feeling. Suddenly, you experience more confidence and, you feel bolder and braver in all parts of your life.

I remember when the idea for my business first came to mind. "The Good Business Witch" was a bit of inspiration from the Universe, and when I mentioned it to my coach in the program I was in at the time, she cut me off mid-sentence. "Nope," she said, and shook her head no. "Nope. Not big enough. You're not their solution." I didn't really know what she meant by that, but I felt utterly defeated. Like, the breath just came out of me. This persona made 100% sense and I was being told I was playing small. Fast-forward a couple of years later and I, was in another program,he name came to me again. I jumped on it, named my podcast The Good Business Witch Podcast, and came out of the broom closet.

Listen to Inspiration & Follow It!

When inspiration strikes, listen to it. And when you are with someone - I don't care if they're your coach or your parent - if they shut you down over something that you KNOW is inspired, don't listen to them. You'll be kicking yourself afterwards and you'll be denying who you truly are.

When I jumped in with my new business name, The Good Business Witch, I don't want you to think I did it without fear or doubts. OMG it was kind of terrifying. I knew I had two clients who would support me 100% in the change. Beyond that, I didn't know if I was going to alienate everyone I knew online and chase potential clients away, or if I was going to make this thing work. I mean, I'm from Texas, which is one of several states that claims to be the buckle of the Bible Belt. How would people react? Would I be ostracized? It was a risk I was willing to take, though, because it was more important to be my whole, authentic self than it was to pretend to be someone I'm not. Trust me, I'd spent plenty of years doing that already!

Sometimes it’s Hard to be Spiritual in Your Business

Sometimes the right answer is the hard answer - it's the scary one. If you're aligned with yourself emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, though, you quickly realize that the authentic, right answer is the only one you can go with.

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To my complete and utter delight - and a little to my surprise - literally no one had any issue with it. A few people thought of Glinda the Good Witch, which is kind of what I wanted them to think of anyway, and others just shrugged. It's a business name, after all, and by framing it in the context of the work I do, I was able to assume this part of myself out in public slowly over the next several months. And the more I stretched into my spiritual, witchy side, the more prosperity and abundance I experienced.

Follow Your Heart

My dad always said 99% of the things you worry about don't ever happen, and that's true. We make up stories in our heads about how other people will react, what their responses to our choices will be, and how we'll be perceived. The truth is, most people are so focused on what's going on in their lives that they can't really be bothered by what's going on in yours. AND the people who are going to love you will be attracted to who you are through your authenticity. From experience, I know they'll be lined up waiting to work with you!


Remember, when inspiration strikes, listen to it, and don't listen to the naysayers. You will have doubts and fears, but ask yourself if it's better to remain small or if you'd rather be fully, authentically YOU. And finally, most folks are too focused on what they're doing in their own lives to worry about how you're bringing spirituality into your business. Just do your thing and use the block and delete buttons when necessary.

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