Here’s why you obsess over unfinished tasks…

Have you ever noticed that once you complete a task, you don’t tend to remember it, but unfinished tasks seem to be something you obsess over? That’s the Zeigarnik Effect in action.

I see the Zeigarnik Effect…erm, affecting us… in two ways.

First, we will think about those unfinished tasks so much that we’ll toss and turn at night thinking about them. Talk about something that contributes to burnout!

Second, this Effect means that we don’t acknowledge all the great things we’ve completed and accomplished.

Burnout leaves us feeling like we never get enough done, as if there’s always more to do. We really lean into the Zeigarnik Effect when stress levels rise. However, when we work better, we can counteract it.

Take Stock of What You’ve Done

If you’re a to-do list person, don’t just cross things off your list and then toss it in the garbage. Instead, create a journal for your tasks and note when something went really well. Hang onto that journal.

For instance, if you had two sales calls and got one “yes” from them, you want to remember that energy for the day. What’s great about it? Are there ways to follow up with the person who said “no/maybe” in a way that’s supportive to you both?

On a bad day, you can flip through your to-do journal and read all the cool stuff you’ve done. In other words, you’re setting up a system to remind you of what you’ve accomplished rather than focusing on what you haven’t done yet.

If you’re ready to work WITH your brain and work better and smarter, let’s talk!


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